Newsletter | April 17, 2024

04.17.24 -- Mobile Nurse Visits Can Transform Clinical Trials - Here's Why

Will Mobile Nurse Visits Help Meet Diversity Goals?

Lowering barriers to participation could boost the diversity and inclusion of patients in clinical trials. Review this gender, race, and ethnicity data to understand the differences that mobile visits from a certified mobile research nurse can make.


Could Adoption Of Mobile Nurse Visits Lead To Faster Study Results?

Clinical research has never been a quick process, nor should it be. As sponsors seek to minimize trial delays and get new therapies to market faster, explore whether increased adoption of a more patient-centric approach could positively impact study timelines.


Improving Patient Engagement And Retention With Mobile Nurse Visits

With patient attrition plaguing clinical trials, the shift towards decentralized models offers promise. Explored here is the impact of mobile nurse visits on engagement, retention rates, and the evolving landscape of patient-centricity in clinical research.


Mobile Nurse Visits Are Key To Decentralizing Rare Disease Research

Rare diseases demand urgent attention, yet challenges in traditional clinical trials persist. Decentralized clinical trials offer hope, with mobile visits proving pivotal. Explore how this approach revolutionizes research, focusing particularly on its impact in the realm of rare diseases.


Can Mobile Nurse Visits Attract And Keep More Children In Clinical Trials?

In today's medical landscape, the underrepresentation of children in clinical trials poses a critical challenge. Could decentralized trials, featuring mobile nurse visits, offer a solution? Let's explore how this innovative approach aims to attract and retain more pediatric participants.


10 Questions For Choosing A Mobile Research Nursing Provider

A growing number of sponsors and CROs are beginning to recognize the many benefits of conducting a hybrid or fully remote clinical trial. However, not all remote visit providers are the same. Here are 10 pivotal questions to ask when deciding which one is right for your next trial.


Ensure A Successful Trial With This DCT Planning Checklist

Decentralized clinical trials using Certified Mobile Research Nurses can enable investigators to more easily recruit and retain a diverse patient population. This checklist outlines eight key areas for sponsors and CROs to consider when planning a fully decentralized or hybrid trial.