
Patient Reminders™: Reduce Site Burden and Motivate Patients

Source: Cenduit LLC

Automated, personalized SMS text messages, emails, calendar alerts, and voice messages can help patients stay on track with the clinical trial protocol by improving patient adherence, compliance, and retention. 

Patient compliance and retention are critical to the success of your clinical trial. Automated, personalized SMS text messages, emails, calendar alerts, and voice messages can help patients stay on track with the clinical trial protocol by improving patient adherence, compliance, and retention.  Patient reminders and alerts reduce the burden on investigator sites and keep patients engaged with the clinical trial:

  • Patients are motivated to participate in the clinical trial and don’t drop out
  • Patients arrive on time and prepared
  • Investigator site staff doesn’t need to place reminder phone calls to patients 

A sophisticated patient reminder system can help you achieve the level of patient compliance and retention your clinical trial needs to stay on track for success. Cenduit Patient Reminders™ is designed with the sponsor, investigator site staff, and study participants in mind:

Sponsor Benefits

  • Reduces costs associated with patient dropout and noncompliance
  • Increases the quality of the clinical trial endpoint data
  • Integrates easily into existing IRT or can be used as a standalone service

Investigator Site Benefits

  • Saves valuable time by sending automated message reminders on behalf of site personnel
  • Provides an easy channel of communication between site and patient
  • Reduces patient dropout rate, thereby reducing the workload associated with re-recruiting patients into the clinical trial

Patient Benefits

  • Helps patients keep track of their clinic visit schedule and arrive at the clinic prepared
  • Integrates seamlessly into patients' and caregivers' daily lives through personalized, timely reminder messages in various formats and languages
  • Motivates patients to come to their scheduled appointments and stick with long-term clinical trials