Webinar | November 14, 2014

Strategic Considerations For Implementing A Regulatory Document Management System

Source: NextDocs Corporation

Thursday, December 4, 2014
11:00 am EST / 5:00 pm CET

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Regulatory content across a product lifecycle is abundant, cumbersome, and absolutely critical to both the product and organization's success.  It ensures both corporate and agency compliance and proves accountability.  However, in order for Regulatory content to prove anything, it must be organized, searchable, and auditable.  When implementing a content management system, key strategic considerations must be made.  This webinar will focus on identifying and analyzing these key considerations.

Key Topics:

  • Why content management is Important
  • How much time will a content management system save the users?
  • What are the cost implications for implementation and maintenance?
  • Issues to consider for successful integration with existing tools
  • How can it be leveraged to reduce time to market for product approval?
  • Strategic decisions you must make to ensure success


Brooke Casselberry, MSRA, RAC
Principal Consultant, Regulatory Subject Matter Expert
NextDocs Corporation

Sharon Ames
Enterprise Program Director
NextDocs Corporation