Datasheet | December 8, 2022

Intelligent Trials: Analytics Built On The Largest Real-Time Cross-Industry Data Across The Study Life-Cycle

Source: Medidata AI

Medidata AI's Intelligent Trials solution provides an analytics platform to improve the speed, success, and quality of trials, built on a foundation of industry-leading data from over ~27,000 clinical trials (~7,000 ongoing), ~8 million patients, and >33,000 sites across 150+ countries.

Intelligent Trials solutions allow you to optimize trial planning, site selection and enrollment decisions, improve study diversity, and get live insights into your trials once they launch. In addition, our team of experts leverage our data and capabilities for custom engagements including data integration, analytics, and decision support to address specific customer needs around trial planning, acceleration, and rescue.

Intelligent Trials' unique performance data and advanced analytics enhance decision-making across the clinical trial life cycle.

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