Article | April 19, 2021

Bridging The Knowledge Gap On Digital Clinical Measures: A Technology Partner's Perspective On The 'The Playbook'

Source: ActiGraph

By Jeremy Wyatt, ActiGraph CEO

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ActiGraph was one of the very first commercial providers of wearable motion-sensing technology, with legacy products dating back to the 1990s. In the years since, innovations in hardware technology, cloud storage and computing, and system interoperability have vastly expanded the capabilities of wearable motion sensors, adding many new layers of complexity in the process. Although this type of technology has been used and validated in academic research for over twenty years, it’s still relatively new within the world of clinical drug development. And while a myriad of industry publications and resources provide guidance around various aspects of wearables and digital measures, there is still a large knowledge gap when it comes to actual implementation of digital measures in a clinical drug trial.

This knowledge gap is part of the reason we’re so excited about The Playbook here at ActiGraph. Compiled by the Digital Medicine Society (DiMe), this 400+ slide collection is aimed at creating a shared foundation for remote monitoring and digital clinical measures across research, care, and public health. ActiGraph has partnered with DiMe on its second “Tour of Duty” for The Playbook. During this ‘Tour,’ we’ll collaborate with our colleagues to build targeted materials that help drive adoption of digital clinical measures in the pharma world. For those who still need convincing, we’ll be working collectively to identify barriers and challenges, establish ROI models, and develop evidence portfolios. For those partners who are ready to move forward, we’ll equip them further by making the tools in The Playbook easily accessible and applicable to various stakeholder groups across the organization (e.g., clin ops, procurement, etc).

I’ve read through The Playbook several times. Here, I’d like to offer up a few highlights that really get me excited about the opportunity to partner with some of the best and the brightest in the industry to move the needle forward and ultimately help patients live longer, better lives.

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