White Paper

Direct-To-Patient RTSM Solution

By Bart Nicholson, Director, Product Management (IRT), Signant Health

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Since the late 1990s, centralized randomization and trial supply systems have revolutionized clinical supply management globally, with Interactive Response Technology (IRT) playing a pivotal role. As Clinical Research continues to innovate, it strives to offer hope to patients who volunteer their time, bodies, and health to advance medical science. The emergence of decentralized trial designs, incorporating a "Direct to Patient" (DTP) component, represents a significant shift by integrating the supply chain directly into the patient experience.

Traditionally, clinical supply chains aimed to ensure supplies were available at trial sites with buffers to accommodate variances. However, modern trial designs are reshaping these requirements.

This whitepaper aims to explore DTP models, examining their advantages and disadvantages in clinical research.

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