Imaging For Neuromuscular Disorders In Clinical Trials
Neuromuscular disorders affect the neuromuscular system and affect the nerves that control the muscles, the muscles themselves, and the interface between the nerves and the muscles. These disorders include amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), muscular dystrophy, myositis, spinal muscular atrophy, amongst others. Many of these diseases are genetic, such as Duchenne muscular dystrophy, while others, such as sporadic inclusion body myositis (sIBM) are idiopathic autoimmune inflammatory myopathies.
There are currently no cures for any of these diseases. Regardless of the etiology of the muscle disease, the measurable changes that can be seen through imaging have a great deal of commonality – there is often inflammation, fatty infiltration, muscle atrophy, and fibrosis. Many of these characteristics can be quantified through imaging, and this webinar will discuss how to apply different imaging techniques to make these measurements in the context of a clinical trial.
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