Webinar | July 23, 2024

Master Your Clinical Trial Budgets: A Step-By-Step Guide To Expense Planning

Stumped by clinical trial budgets and the surprises that increase spending along the way?

Using actual case studies, this free expert-led webinar will explain how to create and manage successful budgets, uncover and avoid hidden costs and minimize the pandemic’s financial impact.

Over the past decade, there has been a growing trend to outsource clinical trials to contract research organizations (CROs), coinciding with a 100% increase in clinical trial costs. At the same time, the number of clinical trials has grown exponentially.

All of this makes a carefully crafted budget key to a trial’s success; one misstep — missing a hidden expense, cutting the wrong item — can trigger unintended, yet catastrophic, consequences.

Clinical trial management expert Irina Petrova, MD, Director of Clinical Operations at OCT Clinical (now operating as palleos healthcare), one of leading European CROs, will share how to navigate the intricacies of successful clinical trial budgeting and explain every line item.

Key Webinar Takeaways:

  • A complete checklist of hidden expenses and guidance on where to find them
  • A market overview: outsourcing to CROs in emerging markets
  • Real-world case studies illustrating successful budgeting
  • Case studies highlighting the impact of the pandemic on budgets
  • How to manage the influence of industry/digital trends on study budgets (risk-based monitoring, telehealth, etc.)
  • An optimization guide: to cut or not to cut?
  • A checklist of key factors for reliable local CRO selection
  • Statistics on expenditures exceeding, matching or coming in below the projected budget
  • Must-know trial design issues: the importance of keeping sight of programmatic goals to avoid a “bloated” program
  • How to stay on track without deviation

Successful clinical trials begin with good expense planning. Skillfully optimize your budgets and manage clinical trial costs with this free webinar.

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