Case Study

Our Unified Platform Serves As eSource For COVID Treatment Trial

COVID 19 Coronavirus Mask Wearer

Signant Biotech collaborated with an emerging biopharmaceutical company to conduct a Phase 2 trial for a COVID treatment in critically ill adult patients across four sites in the USA. The study, optimized to address COVID cross-contamination risks associated with paper data collection, utilized a suite of eClinical solutions including EDC, eConsent, eCOA, RTSM, and TeleVisit.

Signant Biotech's technology facilitated a rapid and straightforward consent process, crucial for hospitalized patients and legally authorized representatives to consent remotely. The integrated eClinical solutions ensured low burden and ease of use for site staff managing multiple technologies concurrently, essential for operational efficiency during a global pandemic.

See how this approach not only streamlined data collection but also mitigated risks while optimizing trial execution in a complex and critical therapeutic area by downloading the case study below.

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