White Paper

Patient-Centricity In Clinical Trials: Explaining Co-Creation And It's Value

Source: THREAD

Regulators have upped the ante, as requirements are in place all over the globe that clearly state that study protocol designs must reflect participant feedback.1 The hope is that by gathering and analyzing input directly from patients well in advance of the study going live, we can make studies more accessible and less of a burden for participants and their families, allowing researchers to get eligible patients into studies more quickly and keep them engaged throughout the course of a study.

To date, much of the progress around making clinical trials more patient-centric has come from sponsors. Certainly, advances have been made as evolutions like decentralized clinical trials (DCTs) and the growth of data mining to aid in recruitment are having positive impacts on finding and conducting studies that work better for participants. Now is the time for study leaders to take the next step toward delivering the best possible research experiences for patients by co-creating their studies with patients.

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