
Provider Selection In Small And Emerging Pharma Companies

Source: ISR Reports

By Rebecca McAvoy, VP of market research

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Rebecca McAvoy

As anyone who has ever attempted to sell clinical development services to pharma organizations can tell you, the task is no mean feat. It is difficult to determine who makes the decisions and who the influencers are. The presence of preferred provider agreements makes it tricky for a new provider to get its proverbial foot in the door. And, of course, every company has a different process for outsourcing clinical development work.

Small and emerging pharma companies have been a hot topic in the clinical development space for a while now. It seems like everyone in the industry wants a piece of them and wants to better understand how they operate. Industry Standard Research (ISR) has performed several market research studies over the past year that allow us to shed some light on what makes small and emerging pharma companies (those spending less than $100M annually on R&D) and their service provider selection processes different from larger competitors.

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