Clinical Leader Themed Newsletters: Personalize Your Experience

Since 2011, our Monday/Wednesday editorial newsletters have been an effective means of keeping biopharma professionals up to speed with the latest developments and innovations in the clinical research and development industry. These newsletters have always covered a broad range of trial-related topics, from study design to patient recruitment to data management, just to name a few.

To help our readers accomplish their goals and solve their biggest challenges in clinical research, we wanted to develop and deliver more of the content they want and make it easier for them to find and access it.

To personalize the reader experience, the Clinical Leader team solicited reader feedback to learn their theme preferences and topic needs. Based on that feedback, we decided to split our two expansive weekly newsletters into five slimmed-down, topic-specific daily newsletters. Here is the new schedule for these themed newsletters:

Sign up today to start receiving newsletters on topics of interest to you. If you are already a Clinical Leader subscriber, you can update your topic preferences by visiting your profile page

What are the topic preferences of other Clinical Leader readers?

Check out the selections of a few hand-picked readers: