Article | March 16, 2023

3 Years Later: How Hard It Was To Develop And Research A COVID-19 Vaccine

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Over the last few years, the coronavirus pandemic has caused a major health crisis. During this time, researchers have found that vaccination is the most effective way to prevent, control, and reduce the death toll.

To date, roughly 382 candidates for the COVID-19 vaccine are being researched and are at various stages of trials (both pre-clinical and clinical). Before using a vaccine on a larger population, its safety and efficacy must be fully determined. However, this process is typically lengthy and expensive. Before vaccine development, the collection of important information, including target antigen detection, immunization pathways, vaccine platforms, correlated-immune protection, animal models, scalability, production capability, outbreak estimations, and target populations must be clearly defined.

As the number of candidates continues to grow, learn about some of the challenges and prospects faced by clinical trial teams working on the vaccine development against COVID-19.

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