Clinical Trial Logistics Provider Of The Year: An Interview With Ariette Van Strien, President Of Marken

Source: Marken, a UPS company
Marken-CEO Headshot C

Originally published in CEO Today Magazine.

While advanced therapies, mRNA vaccines, and novel treatments all have the potential to cure - not just treat - diseases which previously had few or no treatment options, these complex products require additional consideration for distribution and handling. Utilizing state-of-the-art GMP-compliant depot networks and logistics hubs is essential to maintain product quality and safety standards.

Marken’s comprehensive clinical storage and distribution services, direct-to-patient solutions, home healthcare options, kit productions, and biological sample shipments help customers overcome logistics challenges while optimizing costs and accelerating drug development in a world of continual disruption resulting in widespread shortages.

Read about Marken’s President, Ariette van Strien, who was named ‘Clinical Trial Logistics Provider of the Year’. Marken remains antifragile and at the forefront of logistics innovation, delivering novel treatments to patients globally. Through Ariette's leadership, Marken has increased patient-centric services coverage more than 300% since 2019.

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