Article | May 24, 2021

How Decentralized Trials Will Impact Study Sites

By Blake Adams, Florence Healthcare

Blocks People Connected Network

Decentralized trials will have a major impact on study sites and the clinical trial process. Some organizations refer to decentralized trials as “site-less” trials, but we disagree.

As a clinical trial technology vendor we think that, rather than taking power away from sites, trials that harness technology will let sites spend less time on paperwork and more time getting to know their diverse patient populations.

When we talk about decentralized clinical trials, we mean using technology to give patients easier access to research sites in their local area. They can check in with their physician from home, visit a local pharmacy or doctor’s office, and even record data about their symptoms using a secure app.

This all sounds great for patients, but how does it work for research sites?

Here are five impacts clinical research sites can expect to see as decentralized trials become more common.

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