Case Study

How Medidata Link Is Supporting Moderna's Clinical Trial Real-World Data Linkage Initiatives

Source: Medidata AI
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In the pursuit of deeper insights into treatment outcomes, Moderna is pioneering a groundbreaking approach by linking clinical trial data to real-world evidence (RWD). This strategy not only expedites access to life-saving treatments but also alleviates the logistical and financial strains of conventional trials. Spearheading this endeavor is Moderna's Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) Outcomes Study Extension (ROSE), a longitudinal examination of the real-world effectiveness of their mRNA RSV vaccine.

Partnering with Medidata, Moderna aims to seamlessly integrate their trial with participants' RWD through Medidata Link. This collaboration marks a significant stride towards bridging data silos and advancing evidence generation. Mehdi NajafZadeh, PhD, Senior Director of Medidata AI, underscores the simplicity and power of Medidata Link, highlighting its ability to facilitate consent processes and streamline data integration from various sources.

Early findings from ROSE indicate robust participant interest, affirming the viability of linking clinical trials to real-world data. With Medidata Link's success extending beyond Moderna's initiatives, the future of evidence-driven healthcare looks increasingly promising.

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