Medidata is powering smarter treatments and healthier people through digital solutions to support clinical trials. Celebrating 25 years of ground-breaking technological innovation across more than 33,000 trials and 10 million patients, Medidata offers industry-leading expertise, analytics-powered insights, and the largest patient-level historical clinical trial data set in the world. More than 1 million registered users across 2,200+ customers trust Medidata’s seamless, end-to-end platform to improve patient experiences, accelerate clinical breakthroughs, and bring therapies to market faster.

A Dassault Systèmes brand (Euronext Paris: FR0014003TT8, DSY.PA), Medidata is headquartered in New York City and has been recognized as a Leader by Everest Group and IDC. Discover more at and follow us @Medidata.




  • Watch as experts from eClinical Solutions and Medidata delve into end-of-study process challenges, the transition to electronic distribution and management, the advantages of leveraging a digital platform, and more.

  • Watch as presenters from Medidata dive into the most common roadblocks customers face when adopting a modern CTMS—and how to avoid them.

  • As the volume and variety of clinical trial data have exploded - including electronic health records (EHR), sensors, and ePRO data - processes to manage and monitor that data have not kept pace. These processes are still grounded in a retroactive data review and reconciliation with a primary focus on eCRF data.

  • This webinar aims to introduce the main regulatory themes, as well as provide a practical insight into converting regulatory theory to practical steps to enable DtP on global studies. 

  • Decentralized trials, once an emergent trend, are now becoming an established practice. This webinar explores the changing paradigm of study conduct to enable decentralization of clinical trials, both for patients and sites, and why it has permanently changed the paradigm for clinical execution.

  • Medidata’s first webinar series for 2022 will bring industry leaders and game changers together to discuss the trends and insights in modernizing data management. This first webinar will provide best practices, practical tools and strategies that can be used today and actions to support the future "new normal". In this session, you will learn about three strategies to amp your data quality management.

  • Ensuring a positive blood plasma donor experience relies on a complex network of donor, site, and manufacturing touchpoints in a heavily regulated environment. Learn how CSL Plasma created a unified solution for all plasma collection and manufacturing capabilities and how this will impact donor and site experiences.

  • The need for remote access during the COVID-19 pandemic has opened the door to broad changes in how clinical trials are conducted today. Yet there is still some uncertainty around which technologies to implement, the level of on-site versus virtual (or a combination) of activities, and necessary operational changes.

  • 2022 will continue to blur the lines between data management and clinical operations.  Hear from industry leaders from Amgen and Medidata on the process and technology needed to drive the next generation of data management.

  • Learn how the rapidly evolving clinical data capture landscape influences the challenges clinical data management teams face, and the emerging technology, processes, and skillsets that can help the industry adapt.

  • Watch this webinar to learn how to accelerate patient enrollment and retention by eliminating the transactional nature of clinical trials, facilitating long-term follow up and safety surveillance through post-trial engagement, and understanding key considerations, including regulatory and privacy concerns, as part of an overall decentralized trial strategy.

  • Issues surrounding patient awareness of and access to clinical trials have been roadblocks to participation for many years. Finding the right patients at the right time for the right study requires a new approach focused on empowering patients long term, including both pre- and post-study engagement. Watch the available webinar to find out more.

  • How do you develop COVID-19 vaccines and treatments safely in less than a year, virtually? The answer is decentralized technologies, which allows for patient participation outside of the traditional trial site and virtual clinical oversight activities, on a single platform. This session demonstrates how remote data capture linked to real time data insights helps customers get life-saving vaccines and treatments to patients in record time.

  • Prior to the global pandemic, virtualization technologies were slow to adoption, with most large scale trials operating in traditional clinical settings. Now, the virtualization of clinical trials has become the industry’s new focus. In this webinar we’ll be exploring the changing paradigm of study conduct to enable virtualization of clinical trials, both for patients and sites, and why it has become the industry’s new focus.


Medidata, a Dassault Systemes company

350 Hudson Street, 9th Floor

New York, NY 10014


Phone: 732-997-9172

Contact: Louis Gutierrez