Article | June 29, 2021

How Workflow Software Can Shift Space And Time

Gears workflow process management

Banking provides an easy example of software shifting space and time. Before software, a teller was required for in-person transactions. Then software and phone access allowed a bank teller to be available to any client. Later, tellers could be hired in lower-cost areas and provide the same service for less. Ultimately, a computer became the teller for most banking tasks.

Shifting space-time through software isn’t just about transforming basic services like banking. It is also about distributing expertise anywhere. For example, with telemedicine visits, patients don’t have to travel a thousand miles for a consultation with a specialist. Patients (and their records!) can connect with their doctors over a video call, and location no longer matters.

Software is starting to shift space-time and distribute expertise for clinical trials the same way it did for banking and telemedicine. Continue reading to learn about the specific applications and benefits for clinical research.

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