Article | April 26, 2023

Innovation Summit Recap: Reducing The Chaos Of Technology Vendor Overload In Clinical Research

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During Florence Healthcare’s Q1 Innovation Summit, hosted by Florence’s Innovations Team of Andrea Bastek, PhD and Beau Bruneau, a key focus was the breakneck pace of new technology vendors entering the clinical trials space. Throughout the duration of the summit, innovative leaders from sites, sponsors, CROs, and other vendors discussed what types of technology exist, who should own them and fund them, and how to decide which software is right for which team.

To find a technology that will accelerate trials instead of slowing them down, research professionals need integrated, easy-to-use platforms that focus on enabling all stakeholders–sites, sponsors, CROs, and patients. Gain insight from key points made in these discussions and how clinical research teams can choose the right technology without becoming overwhelmed with options.

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