Case Study

Orchestrating Distribution Of The First Commercial CAR-T Therapy Drug Product From USA To Japan

Source: Marken, a UPS company
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Distributing cell therapies requires a specialized strategy to safeguard sensitive materials and can be further complicated by varying regulations for global shipments. Ensuring the product is delivered on time and within temperature specifications to the hospital is critical and requires meticulous planning across multiple teams.

This case study outlines how Marken successfully orchestrated the distribution of the first commercial CAR-T therapy drug product from the USA to a hospital in Japan. Navigating time- and temperature-sensitive requirements of transporting a CAR-T drug product in a highly controlled region with strict Japanese healthcare regulations requires logistical teams to comply with unique and rigorous client and procedure stipulations specific to the Japanese biopharma market. Learn more about the strategies put in place to ensure product quality and timeline specifications were properly met.

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