E-Book | June 8, 2023

The Definitive Guide To Decentralized Clinical Trials

Source: Medable
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Decentralized clinical trials (DCTs), also referred to as virtual or remote trials, offer customizable convenience and flexibility to match the specific therapy, patient population, or condition under investigation. Since the adoption of electronic data capture (EDC) in the early 2000s, advanced technology has been paving the way for other electronic clinical trial systems, such as electronic clinical outcome assessments (eCOA) and electronic informed content (eConsent). With every innovation, the ability to carry out DCTs has improved.

By 2011, Pfizer took a leap of faith, choosing to conduct the first-ever "virtual" clinical trial. Since then, decentralized trial components have become more common in clinical drug development. At Medable, the company has conducted more than 300 DCTs, the most of any other decentralized trial company, with more than one million patients on their platform.

Access the e-Book below to see how the clinical trial landscape has changed and why many sponsors are choosing to make digital and decentralized trials a key part of their future.

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