Patient Engagement Suite
BYOD Is Here To Stay
In this webinar, eCOA experts will explore how to implement a BYOD strategy, relevant BYOD regulatory considerations, and where the market is going from here.
Accelerating Study Start Up Through An Electronic Clinical Outcome Assessment (eCOA) Library
Dive into how the shift to patient reported outcomes has made Clinical Outcome Assessments (COAs) an increasingly necessary and often required tool in the clinical research landscape.
A New Approach To Faster Electronic Clinical Outcome Assessment (eCOA) Development
The value of eCOA tools is undisputed, but using a waterfall methodology of software delivery is highly inefficient. Explore how a more agile approach to eCOA development can produce a fully functional eCOA in a day.
Direct-From-Patient Data Capture With eCOA
Learn how an eCOA tool can provide patients a chance to be heard while giving sponsors quantitative and qualitative data to track the efficacy of a treatment.
Ensuring Your BYOD Strategy Meets The Rigor Of Regulators
Once sponsors add eCOAs in DCTs and hybrid trials, a common question emerges: Can patients reliably complete eCOAs on their personal devices?
eCOA Predictions For 2022
Dive into the prediction that the rapid adoption of eCOAs will continue to grow in 2022, as sponsors acknowledge how useful these tools have become in decentralized clinical trial (DCT) settings.
Calling All Assessment Authors: Do You Want To Share Your COA With Sponsors Across The Globe?
Explore how eCOAs will become an effective way to capture data remotely throughout the trial as sponsors shift to decentralized clinical trials.
Considerations For Implementing The Best eCOAs In Your Trial Design
Dive into considerations when deciding on the best COAs to implement as well as best practices when developing your eCOA strategy in this blog.
Real World Data In Real Time
Learn how the benefits of real time insight can help sponsors create safer trials, while providing financial and strategic benefits that may give them an edge in the marketplace.
BYOD Goes Mainstream
Explore how COVID-19 opened the door for patients to use their own personal devices to record trial data and gave sponsors the nudge they needed to support a BYOD (bring your own device) approach to data collection.