A Patient-Centric Approach To eConsent
Discover how electronic consent solutions centered around patients' needs can effectively alleviate challenges for both patients and research sites.
eCOA Explained: Basic to Advanced Concepts
Explore how all-encompassing platforms furnish a fusion of solution capabilities, scientific rigor, scalability, and exemplary service attributes, aligned to tackle challenges within modern clinical trials.
Ratings Methods To Assure Clinical Precision In CNS Trials
Consider these speakers' advice when harnessing ratings methods – whether centralized or remote – as potent tools for enhancing the reliability of endpoints in CNS trials.
Optimizing Data Quality In Oncology Trials
Get key takeaways from FDA guidance on the use of clinical outcome assessments and patient-reported outcomes measures in oncology trials and other additional insights surrounding the topic.
Solving Inefficiencies With Real Time Data-Driven Clinical Software
Keep clinical trials running smoothly and minimize workflow errors with DSG’s unified platform.
Work Flow Walk Through: eConsent Platform
Within DSG’s unified system, e-consent is simple. Witness how teams can easily and efficiently register participants for clinical trials.
Work Flow Walk Through: Telehealth
Interested in improving patient engagement and compliance? Discover how one simple click is all it takes to connect with your patients using the same system to collect their data.
Work Flow Walk Through: Remote Monitoring
Learn how CRAs can access supporting source documents in real-time for efficient review and improve the coordination of action items.