Gaining Efficiency With Statistical Solutions In A GxP Setting
Take a moment to investigate the necessity and methods for implementing fully automated solutions and processes to mitigate repetition and enhance overall operational efficiency.
Managing The Medical Device Pre-Submission Process With The FDA
Mohammad Asad offers valuable insights and strategies gleaned from his expertise, illuminating effective approaches to navigate this critical regulatory pathway.
Digitalization As A Tool In The Outsourcing Journey
Understand why the integration of digitalization, particularly automation and AI, is instrumental in optimizing processes and strengthening the effectiveness of these outsourcing relationships.
Improve Efficiency And Mitigate Risk Through Strategic Development
Explore the concept of strategic product development as a pivotal component of an integrated strategy aimed at delivering new drugs to patients in need.
Bayesian And ICHQ2 And Q14
Here, Bruno Boulanger, Ph.D., investigates how Bayesian statistics enables the extrapolation of observations made during analytical procedure validation to predict uncertainty surrounding future results, thereby bridging existing gaps in the guidelines.
How Bayesian Thinking Addresses Complex Issues With Clinical Studies
In this podcast episode exploring how Bayesian thinking addresses complex issues in clinical studies, Brad Carlin offers invaluable insights drawn from his extensive expertise in statistical research and methodological approaches.
How The MDR Has Changed The Roles And Responsibilities Of 'Economic Operators'
Explore the evolving roles and responsibilities of "economic operators" under the MDR as Clare Huntington offers insights from her experience navigating the regulatory landscape of medical devices.
Opportunities In Pharmaceutical Outsourcing: Portfolio Maintenance
The emerging frontier in outsourcing involves managing established products, offering revenue sustainability, cost-efficiency, and compliance assurance.
Solving The Innovation Dilemma With Integrated Product Development
Insights from a recent survey of senior pharmaceutical and biotech executives reveal the rising significance of IPD programs in efficiently launching new drugs to market.
How Software Is Changing The Use Of And Types Of Medical Devices
In this episode, Yervant Chijian offers valuable insights regarding the transformative impact of software on the utilization and diversity of medical devices, derived from his expertise in navigating the evolving landscape of medical technology.