Recruitment And Diversity
Enrollment Mishap Emboldens Patient To Advocate For Minority Participation
In part two of this series on underserved patient enrollment, PAN Foundation patient advocate Tony Newberne shares how narrowly missed trial enrollment and how the experience inspired him to advocate for clinical research in minority communities.
The PAN Foundation Expands Resources For Underserved Patient Populations
In part one of this series on underserved patient enrollment, PAN Foundation CMO Amy Niles discusses the Foundation's efforts to improve access to and affordable healthcare for (including in clinical research) underserved patient populations.
Call To Include More Pregnant And Breastfeeding Women In Research
In this Q&A, UCB Global Head, Women of Childbearing Age Program Marie Teil reiterates the importance of including women of childbearing age, including pregnant and breastfeding women, in clinical research and explains why it’s a priority for UCB.
How Can "The Godfather Of Influence" Help Improve Clinical Trial Recruitment?
Patient recruitment consultant Ross Jackson taps into the principle of influence presented by business book author Robert Cialdini and illustrates how it can help improve clinical trial recruitment.
What Can We Learn From A Highly Diverse Observational Study Of 17,000+ Patients?
CMO William Audeh, MD, details Agendia’s diverse, high-enrolling trial and how sponsor companies of investigational trials might benefit from its experiences.
PI Talks Recruitment, Retention, & Trial Design For Multiple Myeloma Studies
Multiple myeloma specialist James Berenson, MD discusses trial selection, recruitment strategies, patient-centric trial design, and more.
Overcoming Trial Barriers By Looking Through The Lens Of Product Adoption
In the final article of this series, Liam and Kim Eves explore how various drug candidates come inherent with barriers to adoption that directly impact how participants and providers engage with clinical research.
Understanding How Strategies For Product Adoption Can Inform Clinical Trial Delivery
In part two of this series, Liam and Kim Eves discuss product archetypes and adoption drivers as they relate to commercial endeavors and looks closely at how they can be applied to clinical trial execution.
What Can Clinical Researchers Learn From Commercial Product Launches?
Part one of this three-part series exploring modern drug development and its impact on clinical trials and new drug launches connects product adoption concepts with much earlier clinical trial activities.
What's A Better Tactic For Patient Recruitment — "Unreasonable Hospitality" Or The Same Old?
When it comes to patient recruitment, which is a better strategy: sticking to the same old routine or becoming unreasonably hospitable? Consultant Ross Jackson explores both options.